High School and Junior high Online order form school pictures

Attention parents/guardians of high school and junior high students,  Please click on the link below and follow the directions to place your online order for school pictures. 20240722151507466.pdf     It's a GREAT day to be an EAGLE!!      

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Ness City USD 303 Back to School Forms

It's almost time to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year. Below are some forms to help you get started!  Not all required forms are located here.  They will be available at enrollment.  Click on the blue link to find additional information.   Parent letter concerning internet, technology, and computer usage Acceptable Computer/Online Use and Safety   . . .

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Current Highlights


District Office -                   8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Elementary School Office -    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM High School Office - . . . read more

A Brief History of USD #303

Ness City has always been known to have one of the nicest school districts in western Kansas.    The school system didn’t just start in classrooms, classes go all the way back to teaching lessons in dugouts and private homes. . . . read more


District Office (785)-798-2210 Fax (785)-798-3581  Email         Information for all District level items         Food Program         Maintenance         Transportation   Elementary School Office . . . read more