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FFA What Would You Eat for $20

February 21, 2024

What Would You Eat for $20

Ten very brave Ness City students decided to put their taste buds and stomachs to the test and attempt to eat some rather un-appealing food for fame, bragging rights, and cold hard cash!  Angela, Jesus, Malachi, Rilan, Dakota, Enzo, Charlie, Daniel, Miranda, Isabel stepped up in hopes of winning that $20.  (Or at least, hoping to taste what a marshmallow peep injected with wasabi hot sauce tastes like!)


Sounds easy right?  At the start of each round, the contestants were handed absolutely disgusting mixtures of food to sample as the announcer, Izzy, shared some FFA background facts about it.Then each contestant had to eat all of the food and show the FFA judge (right behind them) that their mouth was empty. It was also a race, so each round the last one to finish or if a contestant did not finish–-elimination!  This continued until only two contestants remained.


Eventually, Daniel (freshmen) and Dakota (sophomore) were the last two remaining contestants.  Their final round food was not a mixture or some other blended ingredients, but rather…..pig’s feet!  Yes, eat two pig’s feet before the other person and $20 is yours!

This final race was close, but Dakota pulled ahead and won!  Congratulations!  The big question:  will you be brave enough to defend this title next year? 

“I absolutely loved this competition, but I could not eat the liver and chocolate syrup.  Liver is difficult to chew.”  (random audience member)

“The clam chowder jello got me,” said 7th grader Isabel.  “I think it was the texture.”

Freshmen contestant Charlie raved about the first sample.  “The BBQ sauce on the ice cream wasn’t bad.  But I would never eat it again, on purpose.” 

Enzo, sophomore, made it quite a few rounds before getting out.  “I really wanted to try the peep with wasabi sauce.  That one I would’ve consumed no problem.  And the liver was gross!”


Food by rounds: Vanilla Ice Cream and BBQ Sauce, Oreo with Mayo, Black Olives and Honey (must drink the juice), Clam Chowder Jello, Liver with Chocolate Syrup (and sprinkles), Peep with Wasabi, Bananas and Sardines (cut up and mixed), and Pig's Feet.

Thank you to the Ness City FFA for sponsoring this contest.  


FFA What Would You Eat for $20

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